image/svg+xml EG UG OG Querschnitt camera simple
actuator call <- ports:CHANGE: /.mcs/flow/act.flow act runtime actuator call <- ports:CHANGE: /.mcs/flow/act.flow: 11.6 collect energy data and put the results to posts table: /flow/energy.flow energy runtime collect energy data and put the results to posts table: /flow/energy.flow: 9.7 (iem_31) L11 Cooker energy: 0 (iem_32) L21 Oven energy: 0 (iem_33) L31 Kitchen energy: 51 (iem_34) L12 Coffeecorner energy: 482 (iem_35) L22 Washm., Sony energy: 0 (iem_36) L32 Upstairs bath,bed energy: 347 (iem_37) L13 Keller energy: 478 (iem_38) L23 Heating energy: 1,179 (iem_39) L33 Groundfloor energy: 821 (iem_40) L14 Service desk, workbench energy: 272 (iem_41) L24 Upstairs energy: 860 (iem_42) L34 Smarthome,net energy: 136 (iem_solarL1) L1 Solar energy: 0 (iem_solarL2) L2 Solar energy: 0 (iem_solarL3) L3 Solar energy: 0 energy netto SUM today: 0 energy netto L1 today: 0 energy netto L2 today : 0 energy netto L3 today : 0 energy SUM today: 4,626 Solar energy SUM today: 0 Terasse humidity: bright 75 (ipm31) L11 Cooker consumption L11 Cooker (ipm31) L11 Cooker consumption: 0 (ipm31) L11 Cooker consumption (ipm32) L21 Oven consumption L21 Oven (ipm32) L21 Oven consumption: 0 (ipm32) L21 Oven consumption (ipm33) L31 Kitchen consumption L31 Kitchen (ipm33) L31 Kitchen consumption: 37 (ipm33) L31 Kitchen consumption (ipm34) L12 Coffeecorner consumption L12 Coffeecorner (ipm34) L12 Coffeecorner consumption: 31 (ipm34) L12 Coffeecorner consumption (ipm35) L22 Washmachine, SONY (bar) consumption L22 Washmachine, Sony (ipm35) L22 Washmachine, SONY (bar) consumption: 0 (ipm35) L22 Washmachine, SONY (bar) consumption (ipm36) L32 Upstairs bath,bed consumption L32 Upstairs bath,bed (ipm36) L32 Upstairs bath,bed consumption: 62 (ipm36) L32 Upstairs bath,bed consumption (ipm37) L13 Bar, cellar, heatingroom, garage consumption L13 Keller (ipm37) L13 Bar, cellar, heatingroom, garage consumption: 21 (ipm37) L13 Bar, cellar, heatingroom, garage consumption (ipm38) L23 Heating consumption L23 Heating (ipm38) L23 Heating consumption: 33 (ipm38) L23 Heating consumption (ipm39) L33 Groundfloor consumption L33 Groundfloor (ipm39) L33 Groundfloor consumption: 40 (ipm39) L33 Groundfloor consumption (ipm40) L14 Service desk, workbench consumption L14 Service desk (ipm40) L14 Service desk, workbench consumption: 24 (ipm40) L14 Service desk, workbench consumption (ipm41) L24 Upstairs consumption L24 Upstairs (ipm41) L24 Upstairs consumption: 157 (ipm41) L24 Upstairs consumption (ipm42) L34 Smarthome, network consumption L34 Smarthome,net (ipm42) L34 Smarthome, network consumption: 16 (ipm42) L34 Smarthome, network consumption (ipm_solarL1) L1 Solar income Solar L1 (ipm_solarL1) L1 Solar income: 0 (ipm_solarL1) L1 Solar income (ipm_solarL2) L2 Solar income Solar L2 (ipm_solarL2) L2 Solar income: 0 (ipm_solarL2) L2 Solar income (ipm_solarL3) L3 Solar income Solar L3 (ipm_solarL3) L3 Solar income: 0 (ipm_solarL3) L3 Solar income (ipm31) L11 Cooker consumption maximum: 0 (ipm32) L21 Oven consumption maximum: 0 (ipm33) L31 Kitchen consumption maximum: 38 (ipm34) L12 Coffeecorner consumption maximum: 2,328 (ipm35) L22 Washmachine, SONY (bar) consumption maximum: 0 (ipm36) L32 Upstairs bath,bed consumption maximum: 192 (ipm37) L13 Bar, cellar, heatingroom, garage consumption maximum: 347 (ipm38) L23 Heating consumption maximum: 697 (ipm39) L33 Groundfloor consumption maximum: 1,213 (ipm40) L14 Service desk, workbench consumption maximum: 29 (ipm41) L24 Upstairs consumption maximum: 1,856 (ipm42) L34 Smarthome, network consumption maximum: 17 (ipm_solarL1) L1 Solar consumption maximum: 0 (ipm_solarL2) L2 Solar consumption maximum: 0 (ipm_solarL3) L3 Solar consumption maximum: 0 maximum of summa of all ipm ports consumption: 10,704 maximum of summa of all solar power: 1,314 netto summa consumption netto SUM netto summa consumption: 125 netto summa consumption netto summa consumption of all L1 phase ipm ports L1 netto netto summa consumption of all L1 phase ipm ports: 0 netto summa consumption of all L1 phase ipm ports netto summa consumption of all L2 phase ipm ports L2 netto netto summa consumption of all L2 phase ipm ports: 0 netto summa consumption of all L2 phase ipm ports netto summa consumption of all L3 phase ipm ports L3 netto netto summa consumption of all L3 phase ipm ports: 125 netto summa consumption of all L3 phase ipm ports summa of all ipm ports consumption SUM of consumption summa of all ipm ports consumption: 420 summa of all ipm ports consumption summa of all solar power SUM of solar income summa of all solar power: 0 summa of all solar power Bedroom temperature: 21.4 Terasse temperature: 1.7 linux load, mem - view: /bin/make_log.php free 76.9% | load linux load, mem - view: /bin/make_log.php: 0.8 check ports, modules - see it in wifi (connect) view: /flow/portconnectcheck.flow portcheck runt. check ports, modules - see it in wifi (connect) view: /flow/portconnectcheck.flow: 23.9 ask inputs and put the results to posts table: /flow/sens.flow sens runtime ask inputs and put the results to posts table: /flow/sens.flow: 0.2 system and data periodic saving: /.mcs/flow/syssave.flow syssave runtime system and data periodic saving: /.mcs/flow/syssave.flow: 0.0 cam1 cam2 cam3 cam4 Building portlist / portlog statuslist actionlist design personalization all icon Flows
fullEGUGOGQuerschnittcamera time overcast clouds | thanks to openweathermap 3.9°C 1005hPa / 85% 06:42 / 18:30 sunrise / sundown Baden-Baden (DE) Eichwaldstr.15 | thanks to oak15 project Eichwaldstr.15 open manual